An individual is considered to be in a steady state if energy balance is maintained over a prolonged period. ‘Energy requirement’ is the amount of food energy needed to balance the energy expenditure in order to maintain body size, body composition and a level of necessary and desirable physical activity (exercise/party) consistent with long-term good health. Energy balance is achieved when input (i.e. dietary energy intake) is equal to output (i.e. total energy expenditure), plus the energy consumed during growth period. Recommendations for dietary energy intake from food must be satisfy these requirements for the attainment and maintenance of optimal health, physiological function and well-being.

Rationale for combination:
OXYMAZE™ is a balanced formulation of 11 ingredients. OXYMAZE™ increases glucose, lipid and protein metabolism thus increases the energy production. OXYMAZE™ also stimulates the central nervous system and increases reaction speed, vigilance and the ability to concentrate. OXYMAZE™ helps to decrease the mental fatigue. It modulates skeletal muscle functions and reduces cell damage. It also improves overall exercise capacity and performance.

Each bottle of OXYMAZE™ contains 30 energy pills that should be enough for brightening up to 15-30 of your events, considering that you should not take more than 2 pills before the party.


Caffeine BP
Caffeine is a stimulant for both psychological and physiological functions. It affects the body’s metabolism and stimulates the central nervous system. Caffeine is said to increase reaction speed, vigilance and the ability to concentrate. It is known to decrease mental fatigue when studying, working or during extended physical activity.

L-Tyrosine BP
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid. It is the precursor of the catecholamines thus plays an important part in formation of neurotransmitters. It regulates human emotions and also improves various aspects of cognitive functions3.

Niacin BP
Vitamin B3, also called niacin, is a water-soluble vitamin B. Niacin is involved in many aspects of energy metabolism and nervous system functions. Niacin requires for proper function of fats and sugars in the body and to maintain healthy cells.

Taurine IH
Taurine, a sulfur-containing amino acid, is the most abundant intracellular amino acid in humans. Taurine modulates skeletal muscle functions and attenuates exercise-induced DNA damage. It also improves exercise capacity and performance.

Pyridoxine Hydrochloride BP
Vitamin B6 (also called pyridoxine) helps our body to make several neurotransmitters, chemicals that carry signals from one nerve cell to another. It is needed for normal brain development and function. It also helps our body to make serotonin, nor epinephrine and melatonin which influence mood and regulate performance.

Calcium Pantothenate BP
Calcium D-Pantothenate is the dextrorotatory form (having maximum biological activity) of vitamin B5 and calcium combination. It is a component of coenzyme A (CoA) and acetyl CoA, essential coenzymes in a variety of chemical reactions involved in the energy metabolism. Pantothenic acid is involved in glucose, lipid and protein metabolism.

Thiamine Hydrochloride BP
Thiamine (also known as vitamin B1) is known to play a fundamental role in energy metabolism. Thiamine is not synthesized by humans and is not stored in large quantities in humans. Oral thiamine may also have a role in treating some of the pathophysiologic conditions associated with diabetes, heart failure, and hyper metabolic states.

Biotin BP
Biotin, also known as Vitamin H or Coenzyme R, is a water-soluble B-complex vitamin. Biotin plays a role in transferring carbon dioxide in the metabolism of fat, carbohydrate and protein by functioning as an enzyme cofactor thus increase energy production.

Glucuronolactone strengthens the body’s natural defense mechanism by eliminating toxic materials (carcinogens) and their effects. It controls glycogen production. There are no known scientific studies available on the efficacy of Glucuronolactone, but many users who take Glucuronolactone in a dose of 1-3 g per day reported positive results in energy and alertness.

Inositol, or myo-inositol, is a naturally occurring compound, an isomer of glucose. Within the body, Inositol is used for the production of Inositol triphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG), important 'second messengers' allowing cell surface receptors for neurotransmitters, including serotonin, to affect intracellular processes. Inositol acts as an exporter of fats from the liver, which helps to redistribute fat throughout the body to be used more efficiently as fuel. It processes the nutrients and converts them in to energy.

Folic Acid
Folic acid is important ingredient of daily diet which is essential for regular growth and to maintain the health. An inadequate intake of folic acid (folate) results in megaloblastic anemia. Folic acid and other B vitamins are effective for preventing mental problems.

"My friend ordered OXYMAZE™ and gave me one to try. After about 15 minutes of taking the pill, I was full of energy and kept buzzing all night. I did not suffer from any side-effects nor did I have the nasty hangover the next morning. Great stuff!" - Walter , USA

"With OXYMAZE™ I do not fear any anything - Before going to a party I just popped a pill and it works really well. I was grooving all night long and really enjoyed myself. I never miss a party thanks to OXYMAZE™. It's a legal, safe and a great party pill. " - Melissa, Spain